There is good luck superstitions that are common and many people, whether they want to or not, hope to attract good luck, as for example crossing your fingers while waiting for a good result or making a wish while blowing out the birthday candles. Even if all of these beliefs are contrary to reason and don’t seem to make any sense than a magical explanation, we don’t stop doing them, maybe because deep down we want to believe.

Good luck superstitions birthday candles
Image By profivideos from Pixabay 

Therefore, whether you believe in good luck superstitions or not, you will want to know about them and their origin. Then we invite you reading until the end, because here we will talk about some of them.

Most famous good luck superstitions

Cross your fingers for good luck

There are two main theories regarding the origins of finger-crossing for luck. The first dates to a pre-Christianity Pagan belief in Western Europe in the powerful symbolism of a cross.

According to the pagan explanation, the fact that we cross our fingers is due to the widespread belief that there are spirits in crosses. Therefore, by simulating a cross with the fingers, it was possible to invoke a good spirit to help make a wish come true.

Another theory is that in ancient times crossing fingers kept away bad spirits. Also when a person made a wish, they used to cross their fingers with another person to make a wish together. Since this would make it more likely that the wish would come true by forming a cross. It is important to say that this symbol was considered powerful even before Christianity.

However, this practice was simplified until the idea of crossing the fingers of the same hand to ward off bad omens and make wishes spread.

In addition, according to Christian theory, during the first days of Christianity, Romans tried to avoid the expansion of the Christian faith. But, to avoid persecution, Christians had to use secret signals to communicate with each other.

It is believed that one of these signs may have involved making a cross with their fingers, especially when they prayed for help. This was so that the power of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ would help them. It was also used when Christians were forced to lie by those who were persecuting them, and this gesture absolved them of these lies. That is why many people cross their fingers behind their backs when they lie.

Knocking on wood for luck

This is another good luck superstition and the most common explanation comes from the belief that trees were sacred because they were the abode of the gods. Especially, oak wood was the most admired, since there is a theory that says that oak was the home of God and was the way he took on earthly life, and people used to touch wood to ask for help from the gods or to thank them for their help.

Another explanation associates this superstition with the wood of the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. This is why it is believed that by touching the cross or the wood of the cross, the person could obtain protection or good luck, also associated with an earthly God like Jesus Christ.

Make a wish when blowing out the candles on a cake

This is something that almost all of us do once a year on our birthday. This is a ritual that is present in almost every country in the world. But, likewise other good luck superstitions, it is normal that we ask ourselves where did this belief come from?

One of the best known versions takes us back to ancient Greece, where it is believed that the Greeks baked round cakes and placed candles on them when they wanted to ask the moon goddess, Artemis, for her favor. The round shape symbolizes the entire lunar cycle and the candles had to be blown out in one breath in order that the smoke from the candles would convey the wishes to the goddess as she rose into the air.

Throw Coins in Fountains

Although the origin of this superstition of luck is not very clear, it is believed that stagnant water had healing properties. Thanks to some people among them the Celts, this belief became quickly popular. They were convinced that within those places there were divine beings, who granted wishes.

However, the wishes that were asked in ancient times were related only to health. But, as the time advanced and civilizations evolved, the tradition also changed. Thus, stones were replaced by coins and wishes about health by wishes of all kinds. The reason for this change is that it is easier for a person to have a coin on them and that they are considered symbols of good luck.

Finding a four-leaf clover

This is one of the best known good luck superstitions and its origin goes back to the Garden of Eden. For, it was said that Eve, after being banished, carried a four-leaf clover as a souvenir. For this reason, it is believed that the four-leaf clover is a piece of the Garden of Eden.

In addition, people say that each leave of the clover represent the elements of happiness: love, health, prosperity and good luck. Likewise, according to statistics, the possibility of finding a four-leaf clover is one in 10 thousand, so we can consider ourselves lucky if we get one. In the same way as we can make a wish after seeing a shooting star, definitely something rare.

Pick up a coin for good luck

This is another good luck superstition, which is also ancient. Likewise, long ago metal was very scarce and many ancient cultures believed metals were precious gifts from the gods and would bring you good luck when found.

Even if we believe in any of these good luck superstitions or not, it is undeniable: continuing to do them at least increases the sensation of feeling “lucky”.