Would you believe if I told you that there are four agreements to be happy, through which each of us can achieve a healthy life with personal, emotional, mind and social balance that leads us on a path to peace, joy and tranquillity? Well, yes, it is possible if you have the conviction that, to be happy, you need to follow a series of simple principles to become proactive beings, where words are become declarations that determine our actions and lead us to happiness.

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Well, it’s about four Toltec agreements that were exposed by the Mexican doctor Miguel Ángel Ruiz Macías, who managed in 1998 to carry out a magnificent essay based on the wisdom of this ancient civilization, whose beliefs and principles reflected a worldview, which today has a lot of validity and applicability and according to which human beings should have certain habits or customs to choose a life full of personal, emotional, mind and social balance.

In this way, these Toltec four agreements bring with them ancestral advice that have spread worldwide with great acceptance, which give significant significance to this great Pre-Columbian cultural heritage, which emerged in the south of what is now Mexico a thousand years ago and which was characterized by the extensive development of its esoteric knowledge. But, after the conquest of the Europeans, the indigenous people were forced to hide this ancestral wisdom; however, it was transmitted from generation to generation.

This is how Miguel Ángel Ruiz manages to convey in his book a positive message and in a simple way that manages to reach readers through concrete explanations and basic examples about the wisdom and worldview of the ancient Toltecs, emphasizing the fact that we should start by taking the firm decision to be happy in order to achieve the personal, emotional and social balance which we have referred to.

In this sense, the worldview which we refer to start from the central idea of a universe with a perspective of simple and global life, applicable to everything that happens on this plane, which includes our thoughts, words, the absence of selfishness and self-confidence to be able to act in the best way in order to achieve our goals without harming anyone for our own good and of course, for the wellbeing of those around us, our communities and for humankind in general.

Let’s start then explaining the first agreement: “Being impeccable with words”, which means clearly that energy must be used correctly, always directed by and towards the truth, and above all from self-esteem.

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According to this statement, our words have power, and when it is said that we should be impeccable, it is done from a positive perspective, thinking about our well-being and others’, because if it is used in the opposite way, we would be creating conflict, chaos and failure, since that power to decree events, events and decisions, moved by negative feelings and energies will obviously bring negative consequences.

This agreement has to do with what is currently known as the law of cause and effect, since our thoughts are derived from words, and as we know the mind has power through thought, even more when we release it as oral communication, that is, through words, hence they are considered one of the most powerful tools that people have, which in turn can be a double-edged sword, because “they can create a beautiful reality or destroy everything around us.”

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Within this power of words, we must highlight the fact that words repeated many times in the form of gossip are like black magic that affects life and hinders the way to be happy, filling us with negative energies that affect from the emotional point of view, besides that many times they are built on suppositions full of bad intentions and feelings of hatred or envy. So if you want to have a healthy life, with personal, emotional and social balance, you must get away from that black magic that separates you from the truth, and guide yourself as a creative and proactive towards good.

The second agreement, “Not taking anything personally”, which emphasizes that you are responsible for yourself not for what others do, so you must be sure and feel important, but without the typical selfishness that sometimes makes some people think that the world revolves around them, and that when others refer to certain issues or situations, they are referring to them, and this is not always the case; so you have to put aside gossip and become immune to bad comments.

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When the decision is made not to feel that everything that happens or is said refers to oneself, in that same moment the set of comments and / or situations that can affect from the emotional and social level will stop. Therefore, through this agreement, self-esteem would be reinforced and insecurity, arrogance and selfishness will be put aside, helping us to have a healthy life, without conflicts around us or unpleasant situations that immerse us in a sea of gossip and assumptions that limit our worldview of the world and our path to happiness.

The third agreement, “Not making assumptions”, since most human beings have the tendency to make assumptions about everything that surrounds us, as well as about our parents, our friends, co-workers, situations of social or community order, etc., which immerses us in a world of tittle-tattle, where conclusions are often drawn unfair that do not lead to personal and emotional balance, with which objectivity is lost and one stops being proactive, responsible and therefore the individual strays off from the path to be happy.

This agreement is related to the second agreement, considering that the fact of taking things personally usually takes us to the world of assumptions, which is extremely negative for the process of personal evolution; it takes energy and fluidity from us, and instead of being proactive, we become an emotional whirlwind capable of losing emotional balance and generating responses, interactions and negative relationships in the environments which we operate in.

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Finally, the fourth agreement, “Always doing as much as you can”, argues that we must seek excellence through responsibility and honesty as values that lead us to live as proactive beings, enjoying what we do with intensity, perseverance and dedication. In this way, you can be good with yourself and with others, assuming commitments responsibly and doing everything with love, so we become caring people, leaving aside assumptions and conflicts.

Therefore, when an individual is able to develop to such an extent that he finds his personal and emotional balance, to that extent he will be able to comply with his family, his community and society in general, generating words with a well-directed energy that bring as a result an efficient and productive action as a fundamental pillar to be happy.

To achieve this purpose of being happy, we must control our emotional environment, and we take advantage of that mind, emotional and physical energy which we awaken with to be proactive in all senses during our days in any environment where we are, not allowing these positive energies to be absorbed by people with negative vibrations which come in the form of gossip, envy, hurtful words, situations of conflict, and so on.

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Therefore, if we are aware that we have been responsible and have given the best of ourselves through our actions, let’s use our words in a positive way then, we do not take anything personal; we do not make assumptions, and let’s be proactive.

Remember that positive emotions bring us positive responses and negative emotions can only bring us negative things, so let’s clean our emotional body from those wounds infected by such emotions, such as sadness, hatred, anger, rage, envy and discouragement.

All these negative emotions and attitudes that are derived from negative vibrations are due to a serious mental illness called “fear” which occurs when symptoms such as anger, anger, apathy, hatred, envy, sadness, deceit, lies, among others are observed; that block us the way towards that worldview of the world, towards personal balance, through which we achieve a healthy life and happiness.

So, the important thing is to heal from this disease by overcoming fears, opening the wounds to disinfect and heal them in their entirety which can be done from the forgiveness of us and others.

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When we achieve this, we will be on the right track that allows us to be happy and use the right tools to act proactively, using words with the right energy, building and not destroying, and above all, ignoring the assumptions that make so much harm to our mind, filling us with fears, negative thoughts and feelings that affect our attitudes and behaviors.

Therefore, The Four Agreements to be happy are a worldview that invites us to put aside negative habits that hinder our evolution and personal, emotional and social balance, leaving us a synthesis of the teachings of an ancient civilization full of wisdom, energy and spiritual power. It is up to everyone to make the decision to be happy, proactive and full of positive energy in order to begin a process of transformation that will surely make us act positively for ourselves and society.