Let’s start explaining that many people are afraid of aging, reason why they try to stop this normal process with discolored hair to cover the grays, injections and surgery to hide wrinkles or expensive creams and makeup to disguise the years, but how to call the fear of aging? Scientifically it is known as gerascophobia, are you suffering from this disease?

Also known as gerontophobia, this repulsion is but a foolish fear that disrupts the quality of life of the person who suffers from it, causing the individual to have excessive anxiety, leading to an unhappy ending. it simply has to do with the fear of reaching the stage of old age, horrified by the changes of the body with the passing years; this begins when we are near the fourth floor, that is passing 40 years of age.


The toughness decline in men has an emphasis to preserve the physical vigor, while women preserve the beauty and youthful appearance. The gerascophobia circumstantially goes hand in hand with processes of anxiety, fear and frequent inclination towards negative aspects that lead the individual to feel self-doubt when thinking about the future. Usually these people suffer other phobias related to gerontophobia, which are fear, contempt and rejection of the elderly.

Psychologists say that both men and women, given their age stay suspicious because they look older as a stage of loss. For many, reaching old age is a mission accomplished, for others; it is to feel the stretch in the last journey to death.

Currently, it is common to hear the elders saying that nobody loves them, they are a burden and that their only purpose is to cause problems, that they are old bugs or simply useless beings. But, that is an Error! Grandparents are wonderful, each stage of life has its rewards, haven’t you heard that people are like wine? The older the better.

Age without fear, as there are many advantages to enjoy this process; while you get older you are also wiser and experienced, fill with wisdom that can be useful to others; the elderly are more in union with spirituality, they feel in holy peace for fulfilling their goals and proud of each of their accomplishments, whether personal or professional.

When an individual becomes older they have achieved many things in life, those who could not acquire in youth, for example; more respect, wisdom, money, friends, a family, abundant love of their loved ones and if you have love, you will be completely happy.

Age really is not as scary as it seems, it has its pros and cons like everything in life. The rule is to confront it with pride, optimism and respect. Aging is a blessing and life is full of magical moments that only you can tell.