The meaning of dreaming about pregnancies can vary according to the details that are involved in the development of the dream, and they are conditioned by the emotional and mental situation of the people, even by the characteristics of their personality, their feelings, customs and family and/ or social environment. That is why, we are going to describe the meaning of dreaming about pregnancies, in different situations:

Dreaming about pregnancies while pregnant: It means in the first instance that there is a state of happiness that overwhelms you at that beautiful stage of your life, however, it could also mean that there is a level of anxiety, which involves the existence of fears for everything you do. Implies being pregnant.

Significado de soñar con embarazos

Dreaming of pregnancies NOT being pregnant: If during the dream you look pregnant and feel happy, it means a state of well-being in new stages of your life, which will generate important changes; which in turn will bring with them new achievements and projects, in the workplace, sentimental, family or social, and denotes an increase in levels of creativity, maturity, positive mind and desire to do new things.

However, if when you become pregnant you feel bad during sleep, you are crying or you look sad, this is associated with fears when facing the changes that life will put in front of you; Or that he does not like this new path at all, so he must be aware of the signs, because they could be sending him a message so that he can assume his new responsibilities in the best way.

Dreaming about other women’s pregnancies: If in the dream you see a group of pregnant women talking to each other, it means that bad news may come, or that you will be the victim of gossip or treason. But, if you are part of the group, pregnant or not, and joy and rejoicing reign, it means that you will succeed economically and in gambling games. It is recommended that you play the lottery and try your luck.

Soñar con Embarazo Mujer Zapatos de Bebe

Dreaming of pregnancies of a close family member or friend: If you dream that a woman in your family or a friend is pregnant; and she is happy, this is a sign of hope. But, if you are not happy in the dream next to these pregnant women, this is associated with the existence of envy on your part towards these people, at the family, sentimental or work level; or that affection is needed from them.

Dreaming of twin pregnancies: If you are not pregnant and dream of a twin pregnancy of your own, it means that you have many wishes that other people will surprise you satisfactorily; which will bring exciting things that will take her out of the routine and make her feel free and alive. So, knowing how to take advantage of the opportunity, be aware of the signs that may appear in fortuitous meetings on the street, in a meeting, party, etc., since they could be basic keys to achieve that freedom and emotion that your spirit needs.

Soñar con embarazos Gemelos Niño Niña

Dreaming about pregnancies and abortions: If you are not pregnant and in the dream you are pregnant and aborting, then be very aware of everything you are doing at this time in your life, because you may be warning that some work, family project, social or sentimental, is in danger and could be overthrown by factors and / or people around you, take a good look at your surroundings, and protect yourself from envy, gossip and conflict.

Dreaming of childbirth: If a pregnant woman dreams of childbirth, this is associated with fears and insecurities because that time will come, as is common. But, it could also mean that there is no self-confidence, to face changes in your life, that will come quickly in a short period of time. From an economic point of view, childbirth is associated with the arrival of success and economic resources, which will help your advance in achieving your goals, and will stabilize you.

Dreaming of pregnancies during a trip: If in the dream you become pregnant and you are on a trip, it means that there will be changes of residence, you will acquire a new house, or you will have a new job, you will change your partner, among other changes, which implies moving, moving from one place to another, from one environment to another, from one relationship to another relationship. If you feel sad during sleep, it means that these changes may be unfavorable.

Men dreaming of pregnancies: When it is men who have dreams of pregnancy, it means first of all that they have a great desire to be parents. However, it is most likely that they are afraid of facing new responsibilities when undertaking new projects, including assuming responsibilities in the workplace, in a possible promotion, or fear facing important decisions in their lives, which imply important changes. in their lifestyle.

Soñar con embarazos Mujer Hombre Mamá Papá