The Mediterranean diet is not only a tasty way to eat, drink and live. But it is also a realistic and sustainable way to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. This diet has long been one of the healthiest known to man.

Dieta mediterránea The Mediterranean diet
Image By Pixabay

The history and tradition of the Mediterranean diet comes from the historical eating and social patterns of the southern regions of Italy, Greece, Turkey and Spain. Therefore, it is not even a “diet” in the way we usually think. Moreover, it is a way of eating and living for life. Do you want to know about the Mediterranean diet? Keep reading! We will tell you everything you need to know about this diet and its benefits.

What does the Mediterranean diet consist of?

For thousands of years, people living along the Mediterranean coast have indulged in a fiber-rich diet of fruits and vegetables, which also includes quality fats and protein in moderation, and sometimes a glass of wine.

This way of eating has earned a reputation for preventing disease, improving mood and even controlling weight. Studies show that the same diet that can help you lose excess weight and keep it off can also reduce your risk of depression, cardiovascular disease, and more.

Is the Mediterranean diet good for the health?

Considered by many nutrition experts to be one of the most heart-healthy ways to eat. The foundation of the Mediterranean diet is loaded with anti-inflammatory, plant-based foods and healthy fats.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, “Along with regular physical activity and not smoking, our analyzes suggest that more than 80 percent of coronary heart disease, 70 percent of strokes, and 90 percent of type 2 diabetes can be avoided by choosing healthy foods that are consistent with the traditional Mediterranean diet”.

What foods are included in the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean eating promotes foods that include:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, and non-starchy vegetables like eggplant, cauliflower, artichokes, tomatoes, and fennel.
  • Olive oil.
  • Nuts and seeds, such as almonds and sesame seeds used to make tahini.
  • Legumes and beans, especially lentils and chickpeas used to make hummus.
  • Herbs and spices, such as oregano, rosemary, and parsley.
  • Whole grains.
  • Wild fish and shellfish at least twice a week.
  • Poultry, eggs, cheese, goat’s milk and kefir or high-quality probiotic-rich yogurt consumed in moderation.
  • Red meat consumed on special occasions or once a week.
  • Lots of fresh water and some coffee or tea.
  • Usually a daily glass of red wine.

Why is olive oil important in the Mediterranean diet?

Almost all nutritional researchers attribute some of the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet to the large amounts of olive oil that are included in almost every meal.

Olive oil joins foods that contain omega 3 fats. It is very rich in phenols. These are powerful antioxidants capable of reducing inflammation and fighting free radical damage.

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This oil is composed mainly of monounsaturated fatty acids, the most important of which is called oleic acid. Oleic acid is known to be extremely healthy for the heart in many ways.

Diets high in monounsaturated fats lower LDL cholesterol, increase HDL cholesterol, and lower triglycerides better than diets rich in carbohydrates, according to some studies.

How much olive oil should be consumed per day?

While recommendations differ depending on your specific caloric needs and diet, between one and four tablespoons seems to be beneficial. Estimates show that people in the Mediterranean region probably consume between three and four tablespoons a day, and this is the amount that some doctors recommend to their patients with heart disease.

Benefits of the Mediterranean diet

Low in sugar and processed foods

Because the diet consists mainly of foods and ingredients very close to nature, such as olive oil, legumes, fruits, vegetables, unrefined cereal products and small portions of animal products, it is very low in sugar and practically free of GMOs or artificial ingredients such as fructose, preservatives and flavor enhancers.

To eat something sweet, people in the Mediterranean enjoy fruits or small amounts of homemade desserts made with natural sweeteners such as honey.

It helps you lose weight in a healthy way

The Mediterranean diet is a good way to lose weight without starving and maintain that weight throughout life. Coupled with this, it is a sustainable and valuable diet. So it has gained a lot of popularity, as it helps to control weight and reduce fat intake in a natural and simple way due to the intake of many nutrients.

The diet focuses on eating healthy fats, keeping carbohydrates relatively low, and improving a person’s intake of high-quality protein foods.

It improves heart health

Research shows that greater adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet, which includes lots of monounsaturated fats and omega-3 foods, is associated with a significant reduction in mortality from all causes, especially heart disease.

It prevents or treats diabetes

Evidence suggests that the Mediterranean diet serves as an anti-inflammatory dietary pattern, which could help fight diseases related to chronic inflammation, including metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

The Mediterranean diet is low in sugar, since the only sugar present usually comes from fruit, wine and some locally made dessert. When it comes to drinks, many people drink a lot of fresh water, some coffee, and red wine as well. Whereas, soft drinks and sugary drinks are not that popular.

It protects cognitive health and can improve your mood

Healthy fats such as olive oil and nuts, in addition to many anti-inflammatory vegetables and fruits, are known to fight age-related cognitive decline.

These foods help counteract the damaging effects of exposure to toxicity, free radicals. Bad diets that cause inflammation or food allergies, which can contribute to impaired brain function.

It may help you live longer

A diet rich in fresh vegetable foods and healthy fats seems to be the winning combination for longevity. Monounsaturated fat, the type found in olive oil and some nuts, is the main source of fat in the Mediterranean diet.

It helps to de-stress and relax

Another influencing factor is that this diet encourages people to spend time in nature, sleep well, and bond over a healthy home-cooked meal. These are excellent ways to relieve stress and therefore help prevent inflammation.

Generally, people in these regions make sure to spend a lot of time outdoors in nature; eating food surrounded by family and friends. Spending more time laughing, dancing, gardening and practicing hobbies.

The Mediterranean diet promotes the pleasure of eating quietly at a slow pace, enjoying delicious local foods almost every day, and also getting regular physical activity, which helps to maintain a happy mood.

Opting for the Mediterranean diet is a smart choice for a healthy lifestyle, which leads to longer lives, free from chronic complications and stress-related diseases, or those caused by hormonal imbalances, fatigue, inflammation, and weight gain.