How many of us have heard of the third eye and the six signs? You know the relationship between some zodiac signs and the development of the faculties through this energy center, which is known as the inner eye and is linked with the perceptual processes, the states of higher consciousness, the hereafter, the connection to the divine, and clairvoyance, which leads an individual to have a state of special enlightenment.

Tercer ojo Chakra Meditación

This third eye is only one of the seven main chakras that are in the body, and although all human beings could open it, there are few who achieve it because this depends on the spiritual evolution that we have and the correct practice of spiritual processes such as meditation.

This chakra is located in the eyebrow or space that separates the two eyebrows, and for some religions such as Hinduism, it has a direct correlation with ajna or the chakra located on the forehead, while from the perspective of theosophy the meaning of the third eye is associated with the pineal gland in a special way, which is a gland of the endocrine system that is in the brain and plays a basic role in the process of production of the neurotransmitter “melatonin”, which is related to sleep patterns.

In India it is related to the “sixth sense”, and is associated with the millions of images that are in our mind; likewise, they call it “the eye of wisdom” or the eye that sees everything, while when it comes to women, the term “bindi” is used to refer to this energy point.

Now, not all people have the ability to open the third eye and connect with the spiritual world, and there are 6 zodiac signs that are more prepared to do so due to their basic characteristics. These signs are Pisces, Aquarius, Libra, Capricorn, Virgo and Gemini.

Tercer ojo Mujer Visión

The earth signs Virgo and Capricorn have the ability to connect the material part represented by the earth element with the spiritual world, which facilitates the development of this energy point. Virgo can become very generous and caring, while Capricorn loves nature and finds contact with the divine.

The opening of the third eye is easier for Pisces, a water sign, because it is very intuitive by nature, while Gemini and Libra, which are signs of air, are helped by their mental power and ability to concentrate, so that through meditation they can achieve good results and reach states of concentration that favor the opening process.

But, although the process may be easier for some, everyone can achieve the opening of the third eye, and with it being able to perform some feats, such as moving in dreams, and even achieving to interact with people in order to find information about certain facts or situations. In this way, this ability can be used to perform good and evil, so care must be taken with the handling of information.

Viaje Astral Sueño Mujer

Likewise, as this energy center is open, astral travel is easier, in which the soul leaves the body, being attached to it through the silver wire. Therefore, we recommend you to perform some meditation exercises to achieve satisfactory results.

A meditation exercise consists of the following: Put your hands with oblique palms facing the face, with the wrists dropped slightly backwards, the fingers semi-relaxed and open, while the elbows remain attached to the ribs. Once this position is achieved, the eyes are kept semi open looking at the tip of the nose, as well as a deep, controlled and slow breathing, between 15 to 30 minutes.

Another way to encourage the opening of the third eye is by closing the eyes, trying to perceive the sensations of the hands on the face, and by concentrating on the feeling more than searching for a word to describe it. It is a deep and silent way, which results in a very deep meditation that not everyone can feel. But through perseverance and practice, great progress can be made.

If satisfactory results are achieved, you can try by trying to perceive the sensations of the hands in other parts of the body such as the chest, abdomen and diaphragm, combining them with each other to form a unit, and then extend that state of consciousness to the back and the neck. You should always keep a slow and deep breath, thus to open the eyes and direct the gaze towards the tip of the nose.

This whole process of deep meditation develops intuition and opens the third eye, helping perceive the flow of the mind; and to achieve in this way, the connection with the divinity and the development of mental and spiritual capacities, which would place us at a higher level in the evolutionary scale.

Meditación profunda mujer meditando Espiritualidad