Having healthy skin and looking for a beautiful appearance can be difficult tasks, considering that it is the largest organ in our body and that many times we do not give it the care and attach it the importance it deserves, for which we must understand that it is much more than just the dress of our body since it also fulfills other important functions such as regulating body temperature, reacting to external cold or heat, and protecting ourselves from infections caused by microorganisms, among others.

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But, for it to effectively fulfill its functions and achieve a healthy skin and a beautiful appearance, certain care is necessary. Therefore, we bring you some important tips for healthy skin:

Know your skin type: The first aspect that we must take into account to achieve healthy skin is knowing the characteristics of each type of skin and identifying what type of skin we have. For this mission, we will have the help of the dermatologist, who is the specialist that can advise us on the ideal treatments and products according to our needs.

Drink a lot of water: Water helps cleanse, hydrate and oxygenate the skin, in addition to eliminating toxins. For this reason, keeping our body hydrated will be the key to boast beautiful and vital skin. The recommendation is not to wait until you are thirsty to drink water to avoid dehydration, and drink eight glasses or two liters of water a day at least to meet this goal.

Protect yourself from the sun: Vitamin D is necessary to maintain strong bones and body health in general, but it is also the only vitamin produced by the human body and is obtained when we expose the skin to direct sunlight. However, despite how important the sun is to synthesize this vitamin, we must limit its UV rays exposure to prevent skin cancer. It is advisable to opt for the use of sunscreen every time we expose ourselves to it for prolonged periods of time.

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Keep it clean and moisturize it: As well as drinking enough water to hydrate our skin from the inside, it is important to keep it clean and moisturized on the outside since some elements such as dust, makeup or environmental contamination to which we are exposed daily accelerate aging, cause dryness and take away healthy appearance from our skin.
It is important then to daily perform a correct cleaning of the skin by using soap, as well as moisturizing creams and products according to our skin type.

Take care of food: Although it is not a 100% proven fact that foods rich in fats or sugars can cause skin problems, it is a verifiable fact that a healthy and balanced diet will provide essential nutrients that will benefit our skin and protect it from external aggressions such as cold or sunlight.
In this sense, fruits and vegetables are essential since most of them contain vitamins and minerals that nourish and care for the skin from the inside, in addition to whole grains, nuts, fish and olive oil.

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Exfoliate the skin: Dead cells can clog pores and make our skin look damaged. Therefore, if we want to promote the cell renewal process and show healthy skin, using exfoliators will facilitate the removal of these cells, dirt and impurities. Ideally, we should perform one or two exfoliations per week and use mild exfoliants for the face and a large granules exfoliant for the rest of the body.

Rest: Everything that is healthy for the body will also be healthy for the skin; therefore, sleeping well will be one of our main allies and its results will be reflected in our skin. We know that it can be complicated at times, but it is recommended that we rest between 7 and 8 hours a day, which is the time that our body requires to reverse the damage caused by free radicals, oxygenate cells and repair tissues.

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Exercise: A little physical activity always helps us to sweat, and by doing so, we also eliminate those toxins that worsen skin health. Another benefit of physical activity is that it favors blood circulation and the distribution of nutrients and oxygen to each part of the body, including the skin, which is translated into a better appearance, including a better color, a smoother texture and less skin problems. We just have to choose exercises that we like or enjoy so that its practice is not an obligation.

Reduce stress: Although we might think that stress only causes bad mood and tiredness, the truth is that it can also manifest itself in our skin, causing it to lose elasticity, become dull and blotchy. Therefore, proper stress management will strengthen our immune system and this will make an impact on healthy skin. So, as a way to fight it, we suggest sleeping well, leading a more relaxed life and finding time to do all those things that we like because doing what we are passionate about reduces stress.

Definitely, when it comes to beauty, one of the most visible parts of the body is the skin, and without a doubt, it is the best ally of your appearance, so take care of it and you will have beautiful and healthy skin inside and out.

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