Snoring is a condition that affects not only those who suffer from it having a little sleep, in addition to endangering their life; but also those close to the affected person, this can cause difficulty to sleep and even cause insomnia.


There is nothing more annoying than wake up in the middle of the night because of that sound. However, snoring is seen in most cases as an unimportant condition; although it is clinically identified as the apnea-hypopnea.

According to studies it affects about four percent of the adult population, a greater proportion of men and produce an interruption of the passage of air to the lungs by reducing the air (hypopnea) or complete cessation (apnea); producing a decrease of oxygen levels in the blood and increased carbon dioxide, resulting in an inappropriate state for the normal body function.

The interruption of airflow can occur several times per hour. 10 times per hour is considered apnea; 20 to 30 is cataloged as moderate; and more than 30 times is cataloged serious or severe. Snoring has consequences limiting the life of the person; it affects physical health, your mental processes, job performance and family relationships.

Also, the consequences are feeling unrest expressed like a somnolence, difficulty memorizing; as well as headaches and irritability. Therefore, it is best to resolve the situation.


You should begin with a medical examination, because among the organic causes of snoring is a weak muscle at the base of the tongue and throat of your partner; It can also occur due to excessive thickness of the mucosa in the throat, an elongated uvula and pronounced tonsils. In expert hands, it is necessary to identify if your snoring is due to inflammation of the respiratory tract flu or allergic conditions which prevent the passage of air through the nose, narrow nasal passages or chronic sinusitis.

Also, snoring can be caused by psychosocial situations such as stress, poor posture to sleep or the mattress, smoking, alcohol and excess weight. What you can do to help overcome this situation? You can help your partner to relax. Encourage him to improve the physical conditions through exercise, in addition to improving stress levels, this helps reduce weight; controlling his excess and keeping him in stable levels.


Other recommendations would be control the consumption of alcohol, smoking, and gradually improve his diet with a higher proportion of fruit and vegetables. Snoring is a serious matter can cause hypertension and even can affect the heart; and even worse, can cause death of the impossibility of breathe because of the physical conditions that generate. Therefore, get over it is a big step to live healthy and happy.