Working from home or teleworkingcan be an excellent alternative when for various reasons we cannot go to the office. Either because there is a condition that prevents us from attending, we have to take care of the children or because it is simply the type of work we choose.

Tips para trabajar desde casa exitosamente Work from home
Image By Pixabay

More and more people join the dynamic of working without leaving home. And, although it seems like a very good option, it has its challenges for it to be carried out successfully. Therefore, we will give you some tips to work from home effectively, maximizing your productivity and minimizing the inconvenience. Read to the end!

Is it good to work from home?

Regardless of the reasons, working from home seems like a great option, until the downsides start to happen. Typical household problems, annoying and noisy neighbours, crises and tantrums of children (if you have children). As well as a large number of factors that can turn this very modern way of working into a real headache.

When we have a conventional job, where we have to go to the office every day. Co-workers, in addition to helping us to have social interaction, strengthen ties and share ideas, can become great distractors. Which can be a problem for our efficiency.

On the other hand, when we decide to work from home there are no more co-workers, everything is fine, until we ourselves become our worst enemy. Since, as there are no people working with us, we do not have the same pressure or obligation to finish the job.

So working from home can be very good as long as we are clear about our responsibilities and respect our schedules.

Tips to work from home successfully

There are a number of tips and recommendations that will help make working from home really effective. Because, as we already mentioned, teleworking can be a great alternative, it is more difficult to concentrate and not be distracted than in an office.

Stick to a schedule

To start, and create the habit, it is best to comply with the schedule established in companies. For this we must wake up very early, get ready, change our pyjamas and put on comfortable clothes. Starting the daily routine in this way will help us to be more awake when sitting at the computer.

Organize your day as if you were in the office

When we work at home, we are our own boss. This, if we do not take the necessary measures, can be counterproductive, because in the effort to do the job we end up exhausted.

A tip to maintain an organization when we have to work from home, is to divide the tasks of the day and at what moment will carry them out. An online calendar can be very useful for this. Create personal events and reminders to move from one task to another and keep your tasks organized as if you were in the office.

A suitable and tension-free space

The place where you work at home, as well as the teams, are decisive in how this can be carried out successfully. For this reason, we must ensure that this is an adequate and stress-free space, taking measures that not only favor concentration, but also help you combat physical pain by constantly working from home.

Some tips to improve your workspace

  • Make sure the keyboard is directly in front and the mouse next to it and level.
  • Keep your knees slightly below the hips.
  • Avoid crossing your legs. The feet should always be resting on the ground.
  • It is best that the light be indirect, but not hit directly on the computer screen.
  • The work chair must be ergonomic, that is, the backrest adapts to the curvature of the spine.
  • It is recommended that the shoulders and hip have to be aligned.
  • The arm should rest on an armrest at the elbow.

Work from home and body aches

Postures and inadequate workspace can make working from home a very painful task. To avoid this, it is good to perform a series of stretches that can help combat physical pain caused by teleworking.

Of course, constancy is essential, it is not enough to just do them one day; You have to do them regularly and make it a daily routine if you want to get the expected benefit.

To relieve neck pain

This area is where pressure and stress suffer the most. Being a delicate area, movements should be smooth and without forcing them. Therefore, it is not recommended to perform complete or abrupt neck rotations. These could cause a contraction of the area and the remedy is worse than the disease.

Lean your head forward, trying to touch your chest with your chin. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then slowly return to the natural position. Finally, tilt your head sideways to either side of your shoulders. Without forcing. Doing 5 repetitions on each side.

For shoulder and back pain

As in the neck in these areas is where most of the daily stress accumulates. The ideal is to perform the exercises for 10 to 20 seconds because if you do it less time, it will not bring you the benefits you expect.

To exercise your shoulders, you need to raise and lower them to the maximum for 20 seconds. Then rotate both ways for the same time.

For the back, you should be sitting in a chair, lean your trunk forward keeping your head down and your neck relaxed. Hold this position for 20 seconds. Then, place your hands on your lower back and push your abdomen forward. Repeat 10 times.

For the pain in the arms

These exercises will help us stretch our arm muscles, which we often overlook. To begin, clasp your hands together and straighten your arms at shoulder height. Stretch your arms, avoiding moving your shoulders. Hold this for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

For leg pain

The legs remain motionless or crossed for a long time when we have to work from home. For this reason, we must give them mobility to promote blood flow and tone them.

To exercise, you will stand and lean against a wall with one hand and gently push your opposite leg back toward the buttocks. Hold for 20 seconds. Then, in a sitting position, straighten one leg as you lean forward. Perform both exercises with both legs alternately for 20 seconds.