To sculpt the body without surgery and without painful treatments was unlikely a few years ago. But with the advent of new technologies, each time it is easier to expand the range of options for those patients who seek a harmonious body without putting their health in danger; TriLipo is an option to do so.

The TriLipo technology works through the action of heat in different areas of the body, and it achieves a triple action that generates results in the loss of body fat, lymphatic drainage and toning the skin. The combination of heat and radio frequency, generate contractions in dermal and subcutaneous skin layers that increase metabolism, the action of collagen in the dermis and it accelerates the release of fat from adipocytes skin.

In each TriLipo session, a specific area is chosen to be treated. The team by which this technology is applied has the purpose of acting on localized fat.


Even though TriLipo is a noninvasive and simple treatment, compared with other methods, this action does not generate an immediate result on the patient; to observe concrete results, it should be applied at least 6 sessions per area once a week and with a minimum difference of 120 hours between them.

Each session requires additional care to enhance the effect of TriLipo. The ideal is to consume plenty of water after the session to remove metabolic sub-products in the body.

This triple liposuction is applicable in areas of the body that tend to be more problematic: hips, neck, thighs, arms and abdomen. This technology also contributes in the process of reducing measures, toning, reducing cellulite, increasing circulation, improving stretch marks and detoxification of the body.


Patients who go through this treatment should consider TriLipo technology as a complement to a system that includes healthy lifestyle habits such as physical activity and a balanced diet. Only by doing this, can long term results be maintained.

This aesthetic alternative to remove unwanted fat excess is not for all patients. Although each case needs the individual assessment of a specialist who indicates the treatment, it is clear that the number of beneficiaries is reduced to those patients who have localized fat in specific areas; therefore, in any case TriLipo is not a viable option for patients with conditions that can be classified as obesity; this case certainly requires other actions.

The TriLipo is a technology that stands out from other treatments that seek to eliminate localized fat, because their action does not neglect the final appearance of the skin; a fact that represents one of the problems related to fat loss. Instead, it is a method that works without causing discomfort and with an investment of only 40 minutes a week.