Thursday, January 14th, 2016. If you are the type of person who spends hours of your workday focused on the computer, but secretly you are just connected to the chat of a social network; we advise you to be careful in case you want to keep your job; because this happens to be a cause for immediate termination of your contract.

The reluctance, irresponsibility and that image of a beautiful secretary at her desk painting her fingernails mid-morning; has always been traditionally associated with such officials or public servers behavior sometimes criticized. Today, these labor vices have reached a new level, and although the new habit may no longer be doing your nails at work; it is to spend hours reviewing the Facebook, Twitter or any other social network account.


If you fortunately do not belong to this group of workers who are paid only to comply with schedule, you might have had the bad luck of having a coworker who does. You probably don’t understand how he has not been fired yet. Well in this article you will learn how the end this story can change unfortunately for him, soon you’ll see him packing his belongings in a box and saying goodbye.


Under this situation the European Court of Human Rights, approved a law allowing public and private companies to establish computer mechanisms able to detect which pages of Internet each employee has access to and even keep track of conversations via “chat” to know for how long and with whom.

Some sectors maintain that the fact that companies can legally establish these controls is a violation of the right to privacy. But lawyers argue that at least during working hours, the employer has the right to know in detail what each employee is doing and whether or not they are fulfilling their tasks.

They added that even beyond the legal loopholes, the employer right can be considered as a mechanism that yields important information regarding their performance evaluations, management analysis and summary; any parameter that supports establishing criteria for salary increases or promotions.


So failing to comply with assigned tasks, making use of company equipment for personal purposes, among other offenses is grounds for dismissal. Plus, there is a possibility that some subjects being discussed on these “chats” could be considered inappropriate for a work environment, which is a reason for the worker to definitely be in big trouble.

Hence, a large number of companies are also provided with tools for monitoring computer; they may apply blocking actions on servers that prevent their workers to access certain pages. However, if is not the case; the suggestion is to avoid falling into these temptations. Take care of your job; it is always best to wait till you get home.