One of the most fascinating aspects of ancient Egypt were their jewels. They are extravagant yet very elegant and, most definitely, envied by all. They believe their materials were magical and helped the deceased to recover life in the hereafter in order to reach eternity.

The Pharaohs were considered almost divine beings. They were the kings of Egypt, and often characterized by their sumptuous crowns. A queen of Egypt, best known as Cleopatra VII, inherited the throne in the year 51 BC, when she was 18 years old, and her brother Ptolemy XIII, was only 12 years old when he became her husband. She was well known for being an empress of exceptional beauty, but above all, for her extraordinary sympathy, which was her forte.

The treasure of Tutankhamun went down in history as one of the tombs that helped to study the production of well-crafted accessories. Several items were mastered in gold breastplate inlaid glass. Ancient Egyptians used to do most of their jewels in gold because they considered that this material will elevate them to the Gods.

Over the years, these pieces have tried to be imitated; notwithstanding the same materials for accessibility production. Despite the jewels are not tailored in gold, to keep the Egyptian designs, these imitations are highly desired and sought among women, and What woman does not like to feel like a queen? These garments are ideal for all occasions; from an informal dinner party to a gala night.

Nowadays, women proudly wear their everyday accessories with the same pride Egyptian queens wore their jewelry. For many, it is a headache to find something that makes them feel beautiful; while others find it a very simple task.

A gem can be more than just an accessory for you. You might get more confidence; more desired, and even powerful.
Some people are addicted to wear as much jewelry as possible for a wow-factor; although, it is well-known that is not a matter of quantity but quality and, most definitely, attitude.

Image has developed a very important role in society; we should pay close attention to the accessories we choose in order to cause a good impression.

Remember that a self-confident woman not only captures the attention of men and peers, but also is the most privileged jewel she possesses.

Do not miss the opportunity to highlight your style and wear jewelry as a pharaoh!



  1. Marian says:

    Jewels are very versatile and they complete our outfits. Even though the pieces describe in the post are ostentatious there are imitations much more accessible.

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