There are people who want to adopt a healthier lifestyle, preserve the environment and also protect the Earth’s wildlife with their eating habits, the clothing and the cosmetic products they use. We invite you to read everything you need to know about being vegan.


Choosing a vegan diet does not only mean not consuming any animal products such as meat, eggs and dairy products, but it also means avoiding foods that come from animals, honey, for example, comes from bees. They cannot use cosmetics that have been made with animal raw materials, they cannot dress in clothes or shoes that are made with materials whose origin is animal. Vegans should also be aware of the tiny letters that there are on food packaging, there the ingredients are listed.

Vegans must follow a diet controlled by a nutritionist to get a balanced food intake, because the animal proteins that they do not get have a high content of nutrients that must be consumed from somewhere else. These can be replaced with fortified cereals, green vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts, seaweed, bread; all this accompanied with juices rich in Vitamin C to provide iron to the body.


There are many nutritional needs resulting from being vegan, the most worrying is the lack of Vitamin B12, a key nutrient in our body for the production of blood cells and the proper functioning of the nervous system; you can get it in meat, fish, milk or eggs; the forbidden foods, otherwise you must take supplements of this vitamin.

Some of the most famous vegan celebrities are Ellen DeGeneres, Paul McCartney, Bill Clinton, Brad Pitt, Jared Leto, Pamela Anderson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Toby Maguire, Moby, Gwyneth Paltrow and many others, either because they want to adopt a healthier lifestyle for health reasons, or because they consider themselves as defenders of animal rights.


One of the most extreme attitudes that are trending among vegans is the one they have towards sex; some claim they do not have sex or any physical contact with people who consume meat. Many extreme vegans believe that we are what we eat, so the person who eats meat is made of dead animals, that means that everything related to that person is also related to animal corpses.

Experts point out that before adopting a vegan diet we should be informed about what it means, they also suggest blood tests and other medical checkups on a regular basis to determine if there is any nutrient deficiency in our body. Being vegan is a trend that each day gains more followers, but it is always advisable to consult your doctor about your health state.