The high intensity interval training or HIIT training, as it is known by the acronym in English “High Intensity Interval Training”, is a method in which short sessions of exercises with high intensity are carried out, alternating short and intense periods of performance with recovery periods with medium to low intensity. It should be noted that this practice, as a general rule, does not exceed 20 minutes in duration; however, the entire session is long because warm-ups and exercises after finishing the training process are carried out.

Entrenamiento Hiit Ejercicio Alta Intensidad Actitud Gimnasio Gym Sentadillas

This method of working has made HIIT training the fashionable physical alternative, which attracts millions of people around the world, and one of the reasons is the excellent relationship between time and performance. Likewise, in routine sessions, strength, power, explosiveness, aerobic and anaerobic rhythms are worked on at the same time; features that have made this practice famous for its roughness and, above all, for its great effectiveness in burning calories and therefore, for its role in the weight loss process, as well as for being an effective alternative to improve physical condition in general.

A minimum time is invested and maximum performance is obtained: This relationship between time and performance is very important, and it is calculated that in less than an hour of HIIT training, notable improvements in the physical condition of any athlete can be achieved, making it an effective and ideal alternative for those people who do not have much time to exercise.

HIIT training accelerates metabolism: It has been demonstrated from the scientific point of view that during this practice there is a post-exercise oxygen consumption or COPD effect, which causes the caloric expenditure of our body after having performed the high intensity sessions to increase up to a 15%, even after 48 hours have passed, which accelerates the fat burning process, and therefore body weight can be lost.

Entrenamiento Hiit Ejercicio Alta Intensidad Subir Escaleras Mujer

The combination of aerobic and anaerobic intervals facilitates weight and fat loss: It has also been shown that HIIT training provides the body with a series of stimuli with different intensities that lead it to a process of adaptation and energy and muscular reaction before the physical situations to which it is exposed, which favours fat and weight loss.

With HIIT training there is an increase in the maximum volume of oxygen: Although high intensity sessions are short, oxygen volume increases, especially in people who are classified as sedentary or semi-sedentary, while the improvement of this volume is less in athletes because they already have a more fit and favourable physical condition.

It increases muscle mass: Most athletes agree that HIIT sessions performed with weights and gym equipment facilitate the increase of muscle mass; that favours the practice of sports disciplines.

Entrenamiento Hiit Ejercicio Alta Intensidad Mujer

It improves our health: HIIT sessions are very positive for maintaining cardiovascular health, to which the adoption of certain healthy habits, such as eating, not taking alcohol or drugs, resting, among others must obviously be added and that provide comprehensive well-being. From a biological point of view, HIIT also facilitates the regulation of insulin levels and mitochondrial density.

There can be some drawbacks when doing HIIT training: Although the disadvantages o drawbacks are very few, it is good to keep in mind the aspects that we explain below:

Level of suffering: The high intensity levels of HIIT training are quite exhausting, especially for people who are not used to it, so the person suffers much more than when doing exercises of the conventional type in which the body is not subjected to such high stress. Therefore, the fundamental thing is to be psychologically prepared to endure these sessions; but if you are constant, the adaptation process comes quickly. However, you are not the same every day, so when you do not feel very well, it is better to rest and leave it for another day.

There are risks of injury: People who practice HIIT training must have a minimum of physical conditions, which allow them to face demanding and high-intensity sessions since otherwise the risk of injury, dizziness or fainting is much higher. So there must be a proper muscular and cardiovascular adaptation and warm-up exercises before subjecting the body to such hard physical work.

Entrenamiento Hiit Ejercicio Alta Intensidad Mujeres Gimnasio Flexiones

You should have a proper recovery time: Some people believe that with 3-4 sessions a week, they will acquire enviable conditions; but this is not like that because the level of demand is high, the recovery time cannot be so short, especially for people who do not have so much time practicing it. So, it is advised that you go little by little, and take a good look at your improvements and the increase in resistance that you have experienced, in addition to the fact that it is convenient for a specialist in the matter to guide your sessions.

As you can see, HIIT training is a practice that has many benefits for our body and health, making it an excellent option to consider if we like sports and exercise, or if we just want to be fit. We just recommend consulting an expert to carry out an effective and safe HIIT routine that best suits our situation so that we can get the best results.