Buying clothes is an easy task, and it is something that many love to do. It is their favourite pastime. But, despite this, some often make some mistakes when doing it. Turning their outfit into a true fashion disaster. However, it is only enough to know what those stumbles are to never commit them again. As they say: knowledge is power! Join us to know what mistakes we make when buying clothes.

The mistakes that we should not make when buying clothes

Well, previously we learned how to buy makeup. Now it is time to learn about those failures when buying clothes. They are common mistakes and that we sometimes make without realizing it. Let’s see what they are and do not fall for them anymore.

comprar ropa Buying Clothes
Image By Pixabay

Exceed our budget

Going out to buy clothes without a budget is a big mistake. But, having one and exceeding yourself is a huge mistake. Because what starts out as something eventual when we are too narrowly overtaken by a garment, it can get out of control. So we end up spending a lot of money and ending our finances. That is why the most recommended is to make a list with what we need and not to exceed ourselves. It is useless to have that garment that we wanted so much and keep the account at zero or in debt.

Buy just because it is the latest fashion trend

Not everything that is trending fits everyone. So it is a big mistake to buy clothes just because it is the latest fashion. This, in addition to making us look very bad, can probably be a waste of money. Before deciding to buy these trendy clothes, we must analyse if it suits our body. We must also see that it suits our style. Why to have the latest trend clothes and look terribly bad? Likewise, we should not pay attention to “everyone has it, you must have it”. Do not allow yourself to fall for it!

Letting ourselves be carried away by beauty and not by comfort

Sometimes we come across garments that are beautiful and look great on mannequins. In addition, its fabric and texture are spectacular, who would not want to have them? But, it turns out to be the most uncomfortable clothing we have ever tried, either because of its cut or design, but having it on is a torture.

Despite this, many of us make the mistake of buying it with the illusion that we can do some “repairs” to make it look perfect. Sometimes this can work, but other times those clothes are doomed at the closet end and we never wear them. Like the previous point, let’s not fall for that and think better when we go to buy clothes.

Not paying attention to the time of day we go shopping

Our body changes throughout the day. In the morning it tends to be more deflated and we can look thinner. While in the afternoons as we have already made several meals, it may be that we are a little more inflamed. So, if we buy clothes in the morning and we will wear it all day, it is likely that in the morning it will look great on us. But, over the course of the day this can start to get a little awkward. So it is better to leave shopping for the afternoon and you will not regret it later.

Do not buy the right size

This is an inadmissible detail when buying clothes. We cannot risk choosing smaller or larger garments of our size. It is a mistake to buy clothes with the illusion that it will enlarge or shrink and fit perfectly. Many of us buy clothes that are smaller in size to look “slimmer” or we buy very large clothes to try to hide what we do not like about our bodies or even to look more voluminous.

The most advisable thing is that we buy the garments that best suits our body, that highlight our attributes and hide those that we do not want to show. Similarly, we should not buy clothes that we think we will use when we lose weight or increase our muscles. The most sensible thing to do is wait for that to happen and go shopping. There is no point in spending money on something that we will not use immediately.

Compare prices

Many, either because we are ashamed to ask prices and not buy or because we think we are millionaires (unless we are), buy clothes the first time we arrive. The truth is that this is a big mistake, since stores often have different discounts. And it is likely that in some the same garment is a little cheaper than in others. Comparing prices is a task that can bring great benefits to our pocket. Above all, if we are interested in buying those expensive brand clothes. Do not be embarrassed to ask here and there, the important thing is to be able to buy those clothes that you want so much and save as much as possible.

Get carried away by the offers

This is one of the biggest mistakes when buying clothes. When we come to those stores that have sales, we generally think “it is cheap give me two.” And we fall into a compulsive shopping spiral from which we find it difficult to get out. When this happens we rush to buy it anyway, sometimes we do not look at the size or if we really need it. We only think that it is on sale and that we should take advantage of buying it. Therefore, it is best to stay calm when entering discount stores. Think very carefully about what we are going to buy, whether we need it or not. It does not make sense to buy clothes just because it is cheap and then we do not even want to wear it.

Do not choose clothes of our age

This is a fixed rule of fashion; we must buy clothes according to our age. Not so formal that it makes us look years older or so youthful because we want to appear to be 15 years younger. We have to dress according to our age, today there are many stores and brands that adapt to ages.

Not because we are older do we have to dress like our grandmothers 50 years ago. There are very modern clothes, but suitable for our age. The same is true in the opposite case. If we are young and our style is more conservative or we do not like youth fashion. We can look for options that make us feel good according to our style, but without looking like a little lady.

Buy it because it is branded

To commit ourselves is to buy clothes just because it is a brand is a very common mistake that many people make. There are those who give more importance to the prestige of the brand than how the clothes fit.

They do not even care if it is not the most beautiful or if it goes with their style, they only focus on whether it is a brand or a designer. So do not get carried away by the label, after all, it is just that. It is better not to wear brand clothes, but what we are wearing was very good and makes us look phenomenal.

In conclusion, think about your pocket, what looks good on you, comfort and what you need. And above all, think about how you feel about what you have bought. Do not forget these mistakes when buying clothes and you will be sure that each garment you buy from now on will be your favourite.