For many years in the society, has held the concept that women should care for their children and should be the one to raise them, but a study conducted at Georgia State University (USA), revealed that couples who share the duties related to childcare, have a sexual life of better quality and a better relationship than those who do not.

The research involved the participation of more than 400 heterosexual couples. All of them were divided into three groups:

  • – The first: In the women carried out at least 60 % or 100 % of childcare.
  • – Second: The men were responsible for at least 60 % or all of childcare.
  • – And finally, a group in which both men and women fairly shared those responsibilities.

In parallel, a test was performed to examine the quality of the relationship of the couple, taking into account the quality of sexual life and also its frequency. The study found that when women are responsible for most or all of the care of children, both reported a relationship and sex life of lower quality compared with couples that responsibilities were divided equally.

One of the most important findings is that the child care agreement that seems very problematic for the quality of the relationship and sex life is when the woman does most or all of the childcare.

When men take the bulk of the work concerning to the children that negative effect is not presented. While, in pairs where they did the major part, they had as much sex as those couples with divided responsibilities.

“The consequences of sharing the tasks related to the care of the children are many: couples are stronger, healthier and more stable. Share involves cooperation, communication and coordination, and this builds strong foundations link between the members of the couple, “the researcher Carlson said, who led the study.

In conclusion, according to this study, presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in Chicago, the ideally for a couple to have a healthy and satisfying sex life, is to divide equally the household duties and childcare; so if you want to improve your sex life and, in general, the relationship with your partner, share the childcare as far as possible in that way, both will be more relaxed and attuned, and will enjoy more of your sexuality.